Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who's Praying for Them?

In such uncertain times as these with 700 billion dollar "bailouts" looming over our (the taxpayer) heads, volatile markets wreaking havoc on our 401K's and our houses worth considerably less than when we bought them, it is easy to find ourselves praying to our heavenly Father for His amazing grace. President Lincoln said it best, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Although the Lord calls us to "pray continually", we unfortunately and predictably find ourselves on our knees much more during trying times such as our current national climate. I think it's our transparent means of self-preservation, actually. A natural response for those who believe. But what is more divine? To pray for ourselves or to be selfless and pray for others. For the sake of this article "others" refers to our Legislative Branch, our Congress.

"The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results," reads the Book of James. So I ask you, who's praying for them? What righteous souls out there are praying for our leaders? I know during the midst of an election, party politics tend to blur or even aggravate our personal beliefs, so much so, that we pray with wrong intentions and greed. But trust me, prayer is needed! Even despite the "lack of faith" practiced by many of our elected officials, they still require our prayers. Some may even scoff at the notion, but they need the Lord's intervention to make the right decisions and to guide this country, the most blessed and free country in the world. So pray continually for them. Pray the Lord's will is done despite their personal beliefs.

The provision of the heavenly Father should be the only politics we, as believers, need concern ourselves with. Honestly, whose politics should we praise - Republicans, Democrats or our God? That's what I thought...the Lord and Savior. Cast your vote for His grace, mercy and wisdom by praying for "others."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post Eagle. I like the Lincoln quote. I think the Bailout is just the beginning of hard economic times in this country and throughout the world.